Optimising staff levels to increase profits

4 years ago

The pressures on retailers to cut costs are huge. One way of doing this is to reduce staff numbers. But…

AI in Retail – Increasing Revenue and Improving the Customer Experience

4 years ago

High street stores are facing stiff competition from the internet. Once-dominant retail chains are collapsing. Progressive retailers are turning to…

The secret of visitor value: why high street stores are using the same metrics as web sites

4 years ago

Webmasters are superstars at analysing visitor data. What can retailers learn from their approach? One metric that stores are stealing…

Revealed: how to reduce queuing time by 89%

5 years ago

Cameras and people counting technology let supermarket chain reduce the time customers spend queuing from 4 mins to just 26…

Why do retailers miss easy opportunities to grow sales?

5 years ago

Many retailers collect people counts, but few use the information to its full potential. Here's why they are missing out…

New Reseller for our Smart City Systems

5 years ago

Smart cities can now buy our systems from R-Com Consulting in the UK. They provide a comprehensive service to clients,…

Casino luxury bus shuttle automatically counts passengers for ridership analysis

5 years ago

Ridership analysis for the biggest casino in Massachusetts from luxury bus shuttle

Occupancy Counting – Car Parks and Buildings

5 years ago

Many premises and car parks need accurate counts of the number of people or vehicles occupying the space. Video counting…

People counting for Museums

5 years ago

More and more museums are installing people counting systems to track their visitors and learn... Current occupancy levels: which rooms…

Why Count Pedestrian Footfall through a City Centre?

5 years ago

Six reasons to count pedestrian footfall through a town centre and the most accurate, cost-effective way to do so.