
Traffic Up; Conversion Down?

How do retailers measure the affects of advertising promotions? One obvious metric is sales. Has the store sold more stuff…

3 years ago

Measuring footfall increases jewellery sales

Footfall monitoring system lets jewellers identify business opportunities and increase sales.

3 years ago

How important is footfall data?

Acting on footfall trends can maintain profitability even in harsh trading conditions. The key is to analyse the fine details…

3 years ago

5 Ways to Use Heat Maps to boost Retail sales conversions

Heat map: a graphical visualisation of the most, and least, popular areas of a store. See immediately where most of…

3 years ago

Why people counting?

Measuring visitor numbers is the key to analysing shopper behaviour and turning browsers into buyers. All web shops measure visitor…

4 years ago

Optimising staff levels to increase profits

The pressures on retailers to cut costs are huge. One way of doing this is to reduce staff numbers. But…

4 years ago

Why Count Pedestrian Footfall through a City Centre?

Six reasons to count pedestrian footfall through a town centre and the most accurate, cost-effective way to do so.

5 years ago

Retailers are increasingly benefiting from people counting systems, according to TMR Research

In an attempt to combat the rising competition due to the advent of new technologies, retailers are increasingly adopting people…

5 years ago

Count footfall outdoors no matter what the weather

Rain, snow, frost, sun and wind - whatever the weather Retail Sensing counters measure footfall with over 98% accuracy. The…

5 years ago

Essential planning for footfall analytics

Getting the most out of footfall analytics - bring together diverse groups in the planning stage

5 years ago

It’s not just Retailers who Count People

It's not just retailers who benefit from counting how many people come through their doors. Many other businesses are now…

5 years ago